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BCAP0360 P270 S18

BCAP0360 P270 S18

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    360 F (EDLC) 超级电容器 2.7 V 径向,Can - 卡入式 3.2 毫欧

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BCAP0360 P270 S18 数据手册
DATASHEET 2.7V 360F ULTRACAPACITOR CELL FEATURES AND BENEFITS BCAP0360 P270 S18 ESHSR-0360C0-002R7A1 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • High performance product with low ESR • Wind Turbine Pitch Control • UPS System • Exceptional shock and vibration resistance • Actuators • Security Equipment • Backup System • Emergency Lighting • Long lifetimes with up to 500,000 duty cycles* • Telematics • Compliant with UL, RoHS, and REACH requirements PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Rated Voltage, VR Surge Voltage TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.7 VDC 2.85 VDC 1 Rated Capacitance, C3 360 F Min. / Max. Capacitance, Initial Typical Capacitance, Initial Rated (Max.) ESRDC, Initial 360 F / 432 F 375 F 2,3 3.2 mΩ 3 Typical ESRDC, Initial2,3 Typical ESRDC, Initial, 5 sec 2.9 mΩ 3.4 mΩ 2,3 Maximum Leakage Current4 0.75 mA Maximum Peak Current, Non-repetitive5 220 A PHYSICAL Nominal Mass 71.4 g POWER & ENERGY Operating Temp. Range Maximum Stored Energy, Emax6,9 Gravimetric Specific Energy6 Usable Specific Power6 Impedance Match Specific Power6 SAFETY Certifications Standard (-40°C to 65°C) at 2.7V Extended (-40°C to 85°C) at 2.3V 0.36 Wh 0.26 Wh 5.1 Wh/kg 3.7 Wh/kg 3.8 kW/kg 2.7 kW/kg 7.9 kW/kg 5.7 kW/kg THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Typical Thermal Resistance (Rth, Housing)8 Typical Thermal Capacitance (Cth) Usable Continuous Current (BOL) (∆T = 15 °C)8,10 Usable Continuous Current (BOL) (∆T = 40 °C)8,10 Projected DC Life at Room Temperature (At rated voltage and 25°C, EOL10) maxwell.com 23 A 38 A 10 years DC Life at Standard High Temperature 1,500 hours DC Life at De-Rated Voltage & Higher Temperature 1,000 hours (At rated voltage and 65°C, EOL10) (At 2.3V and 85°C, EOL10) Projected Cycle Life at Room Temperature7 (Constant current charge-discharge from VR to 1/2VR at 25°C, EOL10) Shelf Life (Stored uncharged at 25°C, ≤ 50% RH) RoHS, REACH, UL 810A Document number: 3001963-EN.4 75.6 J/°C LIFE* *Results may vary. Additional terms and conditions, including the limited warranty, apply at the time of purchase. See the warranty details for applicable operating and use requirements. Page 1 8.8°C/W 500,000 cycles 4 years Datasheet: 2.7V 360F ULTRACAPACITOR CELL 1. Surge Voltage Absolute maximum voltage, non-repetitive. Duration not to exceed 1 second. 2. “Typical” values represent mean values of production sample. 3. Rated Capacitance & ESRDC (measure method) • Capacitance: Constant current charge (10 mA/F) to VR, 5 min hold at VR, constant current discharge 10 mA/F to 0.1V. e.g. in case of 2.7V 360F cell, 10 * 360 = 3,600 mA. • ESRDC: Constant current charge (10 mA/F) to VR, 5 min hold at VR, constant current discharge (40 * C * VR[mA]) to 0.1 V. e.g. in case of 2.7V 360F cell, charge with 10 * 360 = 3,600 mA and discharge with 40 * 360 * 2.7 = 38,880 mA. I= ½VR ∆t / C + ESRDC where Δt is the discharge time (sec); Δt = 1 sec in this case • The stated maximum peak current should not be used in normal operation and is only provided as a reference value. 6. Energy & Power (Based on IEC 62391-2) • Maximum Stored Energy, Emax(Wh) = ½CVR2 • Gravimetric Specific Energy (Wh/kg) = • Usable Specific Power (W/kg) = 3,600 Emax mass 0.12VR2 ESRDC x mass • Impedance Match Specific Power (W/kg) = 0.25VR2 ESRDC x mass • Presented Power and Energy values are calculated based on Rated Capacitance & Rated (Max.) ESRDC, Initial values. C= I x (t2-t1) ESRDC = V1-V2 I 8. Temperature Rise at Constant Current • ∆T=IRMS2 x ESRDC x Rth where ∆T: Temperature rise over ambient (°C) IRMS: Maximum continuous or RMS current (A) Rth: Thermal resistance, cell to ambient (°C/W) ESRDC: Rated (Max.) ESRDC(Ω). (Note: Design should consider EOL ESRDC for application temperature rise evaluation.) 9. Typical ESRDC, Initial, 5 sec tested per Maxwell Application Note, “Test Procedures for Capacitance, ESR, Leakage Current and Self-Discharge Characterizations of Ultracapacitors” available at www.maxwell.com. 5. Cycle Life Test Profile Cycle life varies depending upon application-specific characteristics. Actual results will vary. ΔV where C is the capacitance (F); I is the absolute value of the discharge current (A); VR is the rated voltage (V); V1 is the measurement start voltage, 0.8ⅹVR (V); V2 is the measurement end voltage, 0.4ⅹVR (V); t1 is the time from start of discharge to reach V1 (s); t2 is the time from start of discharge to reach V2 (s); ESRDC is the DC-ESR (Ω); ΔV is the voltage drop during first 10ms of discharge (V). 4. 7. Maximum Leakage Current • Current measured after 72 hrs at rated voltage and 25°C. Initial leakage current can be higher. • If applicable, module leakage current is the sum of cell and balancing circuit leakage currents. Per United Nations material classification UN3499, all Maxwell ultracapacitors have less than 10 Wh capacity to meet the requirements of Special Provisions 361. Both individual ultracapacitors and modules composed of those ultracapacitors shipped by Maxwell can be transported without being treated as dangerous goods (hazardous materials) under transportation regulations. 10. BOL: Beginning of Life, rated initial product performance ® EOL: End of Life criteria. • Capacitance: 80% of min. BOL rating : 2x max. BOL rating ® • ESR DC Maximum Peak Current • Current needed to discharge cell/module from rated voltage to half-rated voltage in 1 second. BCAP0360 P270 S18 Part Description BCAP0360 P270 S18 Dimensions (mm) L (±1.0) D (+1.0) 63.0 35.0 t H (±0.05) (±0.1) 1.50 5.6 A (±0.1) B (±0.1) C (±0.1) 22.5 19.5 5.6 When ordering, please reference the Maxwell Model Number below. Maxwell Model Number: Maxwell Part Number: Alternate Model Number: BCAP0360 P270 S18 133524 ESHSR-0360C0-002R7A1 The information in this document is correct at time of printing and is subject to change without notice. Images are not to scale. Products and related processes may be covered by one or more U.S. or international patents and pending applications. Please see www.maxwell.com/patents for more information. Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Global Headquarters 3888 Calle Fortunada San Diego, CA 92123 USA Tel: +1 (858) 503-3300 Fax: +1 (858) 503-3301 Maxwell Technologies, GmbH Leopoldstrasse 244 80807 Munich Germany Tel: +49 (0)89 4161403 0 Fax: +49 (0)89 4161403 99 Maxwell Technologies Shanghai Trading Co., Ltd. Room 1005, 1006, and 1007 No. 1898, Gonghexin Road, Jin An District, Shanghai 2000072, P.R. China Tel: +86 21 3852 4000 Fax: +82 21 3852 4099 Maxwell Technologies Korea Co., Ltd. 17, Dongtangiheung-ro 681 Beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17102 Republic of Korea Tel: +82 31 289 0721 Fax: +82 31 286 6767 MAXWELL TECHNOLOGIES, MAXWELL, MAXWELL CERTIFIED INTEGRATOR, ENABLING ENERGY’S FUTURE, DURABLUE, NESSCAP, XP, BOOSTCAP, D CELL and their respective designs and/or logos are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Maxwell Technologies, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission Maxwell Technologies, Inc. All contents copyright © 2019 Maxwell Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of these materials may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Page 2 Document number: 3001963-EN.4 maxwell.com
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